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Youth House - SIX Broadway Show

SIX Broadway Show

Please join the Waxman H. S. & Youth House to see:
SIX the Musical 
47th Street & Broadway
Thursday, January 9
We will meet at the Great Neck train station at 5:30pm.
Show starts at 7:00pm.

Please fill out form below. There are a limited amount of seats.
   Ticket - $130.00 - 12 OpenThis does not include the cost of the train.
  • I give permission for my teen to participate in Temple Israel's Waxman Youth House's Broadway show trip. We will take the train and subway to the theater.  
  • I give Temple Israel permission to use photos of my teen in its publicity such as in the Voice, on the TIGN website, in local newspapers, etc.
  • I have explained the behavioral expectations of participation in this event to my teen. 

Emergency Information

Do NOT list parent(s) as alternative emergency contacts. 

Sat, December 21 2024 20 Kislev 5785