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Form Gesher/Nitzanim 2024-2025 Registration

This form is to register for Temple Israel's Religious School Gesher or Nitzanim programs for the 2024-2025 school year.

Please fill out all information fields below. More fields will become available once the original fields are completed.

Once your enrollment is received, it must be approved by the School staff.  You will receive an email when this has been completed.

Does he/she have an IEP or special arrangements in Public School?
Does this child have any allergies, medications, or food restrictions we should be aware of?

Does he/she have an IEP or special arrangements in Public School?
Does this child have any allergies, medications, or food restrictions we should be aware of?


I give Temple Israel permission to use photos of my child(ren) in its publicity such as in the synagogue bulletin, website, social media, and local newspapers, etc..


In the event that we cannot contact you, what is the name of your family's emergency contact?
What is the first phone number we should try for this person if we cannot contact you?
What is the alternate phone number, if any, for this contact?

Tuition alone only covers part of the costs of operating our Religious School.  Support provided by the Religious School Parent's Association underwrites the costs of equipment, programs, and "special touches" for things which the budget doesn't allow us to address.  Your PA dues truly enhance the quality and richness of our wonderful school!  Thank you so much.
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784